Enchanted Princess Parties
Magical princesses come to life and attend our wildly-popular, fancy tea parties.
Special one-on-one time with the princess as she reads and brings her storybook to life,
leads a sing-a-long, shares her experiences, and poses for pictures.
Each child receives a signed book and bookmark.
We can schedule private bookings in your home.
Newly Added: Virtual Princess Tea Parties
Invite family members and grandparents to this virtual tea party experience, there is no additional fee in this family experience!
Once registration is confirmed, here’s what to expect:
Each child will receive a Princess Party package mailed to their home, including a book, bookmark craft, place setting map, jewelry beads and coloring sheets.
Our Party Coordinator will contact the families via email with a secured ZOOM call-in information and a password.
Families will sign-in from your home and join us on the party date, the tea party will begin promptly at 10:30am.
The princess will greet guests from her Kingdom, provide a mini-princess manners lesson, read her story, sing songs with her guests and answer questions after her story-reading.
Children are encouraged to dress up if they would like and enjoy their tea/treats with the princess.
MSMD will end our party experience with a few pointers on completing the bookmark craft and final etiquette on completing our tea party experience.
We hope you will join us as we navigate a new party experience to
entertain, educate and inspire young readers!
Upcoming Party Dates:
December 12 - Snow Queen